Transgender Hair Restoration

Dr. Gabel has been caring for transgender patients from the very early days of his hair restoration practice in Portland, Oregon. He is widely recognized as an expert with transgender hair transplants, having lectured and presented at various transgender conferences, not only in the Pacific Northwest but across the United States.

Dr. Gabel has also authored a chapter on the subject of transgender hair restoration for a peer-recognized medical journal.

The Value of Hair That Reflects Who You Are

Dr. Gabel understands the delicate social issues surrounding the gender transition process and has learned much from his individual patients on their unique journeys toward becoming the people they always felt they were. These people often have often gone through many years of self-evaluation, soul searching, counseling, and therapy to reach their ultimate decision to undergo gender reassignment.

Many transgender men and women undertake a challenging path that includes various medical treatments, therapies, and surgical procedures to achieve their life goals. These expensive and major surgical procedures often take many months to years to complete and properly heal.

Dr. Gabel specializes in transgender hair restoration, and can help reassure a patient about the aesthetic benefits of hair restoration for a person undergoing gender reassignment.

Dr. Gabel understands that his patients want their own growing, real hair in a fashion and style that aligns with their gender. Transgender hair transplantation is challenging, yet uniquely rewarding. Understanding the differences of male and female hairlines is of critical importance in hair transplants for both trans women and trans men, and the skill of the surgeon is vital to create a natural appearance.

Hair Transplant for Trans Women

One very important aesthetic area that may be an issue for a trans woman is male pattern hair loss. A receded hairline, thinning hair throughout the top of the head, or a bald spot in the crown may pose a significant issue for completing a male-to-female appearance. Certainly, hairpieces or wigs can be worn to cover this male pattern baldness, but these “solutions” are simply not the permanent, natural result that most people want.

A hair restoration for a trans woman typically focuses on filling out the hairline as well as combating the potential future effects of male pattern baldness. The male and female hairlines differ in direction and flow. In men, the hairline projects forward, while a woman’s hairline flows backward. A transgender hair transplant surgery for trans women focuses on achieving the natural flow of a woman’s hairline for a more feminine appearance.

One of the most common procedures Dr. Gabel performs on trans women is the creation of a feminine hairline. This hairline is usually lower, flatter, and rounder than the male hairline. Additionally, Dr. Gabel often repopulates the balding crown area with thicker naturally growing hair, as crown bald spots are not a typical hair loss pattern in women.

Transgender Hair Transplant for Trans Men

Hair restoration for trans men typically involves facial hair transplantation. This restoration will create a masculine goatee, sideburns, eyebrows, beard, and/or mustache. This delicate hair transplantation can help create a precise pattern of natural hair growth in the mustache and beard region. The procedure helps to provide a true masculinization of the face, and must be done with great skill to appear absolutely natural.

Transgender Hair Restoration Surgery Techniques

Dr. Gabel uses the same techniques for transgender patients as he does for all other hair restoration procedures when it comes to harvesting donor hair follicles. He might utilize the strip harvest technique (FUT) or follicular unit excision (FUE). These options will be discussed with the patient before the procedure takes place. Dr. Gabel and his highly skilled team will then work to provide the best results possible for optimal hair restoration.

Dr. Gabel understands the aesthetic nuances and artistry of hair transplantation for transgender patients. It has been for this reason that his hair restoration surgery practice has been the choice for many transitioning people. Time after time, he has helped achieve patients’ desired outcomes by listening and creating a treatment plan specific to meet their individual goals.

No matter what type of background an individual comes from, hair loss often bothers everyone. Transgender patients are no different than any person seeking hair restoration surgery for cosmetic purposes, and Dr. Gabel is proud that he and his entire team treat all patients with the understanding, support, and respect they deserve. Dr. Gabel and his team will be there every step of the way during every patient’s hair restoration. Dr. Gabel invests himself personally in patient outcomes, and strives to exceed expectations as much as possible.

Dr. Gabel welcomes all to be evaluated for determining the best possible options to address their specific hair loss, while meeting the needs of those worried about transgender hair transplant cost. See for yourself the results he has helped people achieve with hair transplants.

Hair Transplants for Transitioning Transgender Individuals

Dr. Gabel knows both the deep concern and highly satisfactory outcomes of different hair transplant techniques in people who are transitioning their external appearance to who they know themselves to be inside. Both he and his patients derive great joy with the final results of a transgender hair replacement procedure, often putting the finishing touches on a person’s rejuvenated appearance. To learn how your hair restoration technique can lead to a more fulfilling appearance, don’t hesitate to call or contact the Gabel Center today and schedule your consultation with Dr. Gabel.

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